Oil Cooler - Installation Guide & Images
Installation Guide:
What you'll need for tools:
- Eye Protection ( I got dirt in my eye right away then found my goggles)
- Ramps or jack stands.
- 22MM deep socket - Removes OEM oil filter nipple and tightens new
one. Installs nipple that goes in place of coolant drain plug.
- 10mm socket - removes thermostat housing, installs coolant hold down pipe
and loosens hose clamp on thermo. housing.
- Pliers - for OEM style hose clamps.
- Bucket to catch Coolant
- Oil drain pan for oil that comes out after you remove the filter.
- Tubing to put on petcock to drain coolant.
- (oil filter and oil if you change the oil at the same time like I did)
- 14mm hex socket or allen wrench to remove coolant drain plug in block.
-This is something I couldn't find and it made doing the install very
hard. I checked the local hardware stores and they didn't have one. Beg
borrow or steal one. What I ended up doing was putting a 14mm bolt on a
stud remover and put the head in the hex hole. Very difficult, if you try
this have Band-Aids handy.
- Band Aids (if you wack your knuckles as bad as I did)
If you have all the right tools it's pretty easy. Drain the coolant, the
petcock is on the lower passenger side of the radiator. I used some tubing
to get the coolant to a bucket. It was a lot less messy that way. Then
remove the oil filter (catch the oil it's not a lot). Remove the nipple
that holds in the filter in place. Remove the passenger side coolant drain
plug in the block (easier said than done) Remove the thermostat housing,
no need for a new gasket it's an O-ring in there at least mine was in good
Follow the pics and you should be able to figure out how it all goes
together. The heat exchanger goes in with the O-ring up on the block.
Fill the oil to the mark again or change it and replace the coolant.